Post-Graduation Goals


My post-graduation goals are to hopefully find a stage placement that I enjoy. Once I successfully complete my stage, I will be searching for a part-time job as a graphic designer during the summer. My hours are very flexible throughout the summer so I am also open to a full-time summer job as well.

After summer, I plan on returning back to college to finish my studies that I couldn’t complete during the pandemic. I had a few courses that I hadn’t taken due to the fact that I prefer to take more in-person courses later than rush and learn everything immediately online. I am someone who prefers to take my time with my education. Personally I am in no rush to finish my education quickly. One of my major post-graduation goals is to obtain my DEC.

As I stated before, I am looking for a part time job to give myself a sustainable income for the near future. I am also looking to broaden my reach and gain new experiences. Currently, I am trying to add more experience to my CV in order to land more opportunities. I had struggled to find jobs in the past because of the pandemic. At the time, people weren’t hiring when I had applied. I then had to work small jobs around my neighbourhood which really isn’t something very sustainable. This time however, I am extremely eager to find new opportunities and broaden my reach.

I don’t plan on moving locations anytime soon, since I currently don’t have the funds to move out and live on my own. I am unsure as to whether I want to move outside of the province of Quebec. My plans are currently to find a place to work that is local and accessible to me right now. However it all depends on the opportunities that life will present to me.